"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read
is to voyage through time." Carl Sagan
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Win/Win is the best you can do!
Listed on the
Old Sudbury Bookstore Psychology Page website Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People: Po... by Stephen R. Covey
On a quest for self improvement the author stresses the importance of not
winning so that the other side will lose but to deal with others so that both sides come out ahead. This is known as a win/win
situation. It is important to realize that when others do well it does not mean that you are doing poorly. There is enough
success around to provide for everyone who will work for it. If you are truly principle centered you will sincerely be happy
when others attain success. You also will have no problem sharing credit with others on your team.
Win/Win can
lead to success. The more you give the more you recieve! Examples of win/win can be seen in customer satisfaction, You may
sell inferior products and make a profit until the customers realize that they are being had. The customer base will soon
dry up. It is better to make a deal that benefits both sides. The win/win scenario will lead to future successes. In another
example a business agreed to let a company out of a binding contract since it was no longer interested in the agreed
to work. Later the business was able to get an even bigger contract with the same company. The company had worked through
the changes and now had a better vision and was now ready to go ahead.
7:31 pm edt
Key words: Hockey Music Dunn Valliant Persinger Laurentian University Cambrian College Boreal Northern
www.oldsudburybookstore.com Sudbury Ontario Canada (Photos © S.
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