"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read
is to voyage through time." Carl Sagan
Monday, September 14, 2009
Do we all have Hungry Ghosts?
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction By Gabor Mate M.D.This book has the power to shock yet the passion to change
your attitude forever towards not only addictions but to the people suffering with them at the edge of our often fragile human
Meet Dr. Mate; he has mustered the courage to take on a post in Vancouver's east side working with societies
toughest group of people. These are the street people who live in what has been called one of the world's most livable cities.
They live in the now where survival is a constant struggle.
With the tone of a friend telling you a story over
a drink Gabor Mate weaves his story into a compassionate tale of survival and sadly more often than not hopelessness. Coloured
with many interactions with his patients and with his own personal struggles this book is like a gift from the other side.
The other side being that part of society that is shunned and rarely viewed by main stream society. -sak
10:13 am edt
Key words: Hockey Music Dunn Valliant Persinger Laurentian University Cambrian College Boreal Northern
www.oldsudburybookstore.com Sudbury Ontario Canada (Photos © S.
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